XR Chemistry Framework
Contracted to create a Proof of concept prototype for a Chemistry learning framework for a School District
I was contacted and contracted out by a School District Manager looking for ways to Adapt XR as a means for kids to learn remotely in a more immersive way.
The things I can show from this project are limited due to an NDA
The main goal of this prototype was to create a UI capable of spawning Chemistry related instances of Molecule models and allow interaction with them for lecturing purposes in a Teacher to Student relationship.
As the project was already 12 months into development at the time I joined, I had to work well with the existing team to know where to put my code and to make sure there were no conflicts with existing UX components
Prototyping a way you can move molecules with hand tracking, even under low lighting.
The idea was that if a hand pinches near the center of a molecule group, the molecule with use the relative index finger as a Anchor with a Kinematic PID controller handling the positioning.
First I start with a Transform Marker in the form of a filling sprite, that acts as the target position for the molecule.
Now just a simple controller that takes account of the distance between the current and target points. Its always fun to see how well I can write something the first time.
Adding a Highlight to show when a molecule is a valid target to grab.
Then I made similar control method for orientation
The UX needs to be cleaned up a bit, but all in all it was a success.